Matchfit Club Youth S&C Programme



The Lowest Injury Rate...

Every Player Being Able To Match The Intensity Of Your Tactics...

Your Players Becoming More Athletic Week On Week...

The Ability To Recover Faster Between Matches...

A Higher Level Of Energy In Every Training Session...

A Culture Of High Performance...

Going Further In Cup Competitions...

More Of Your Players Playing To Their True Potential...


Spend Hundreds (If Not THOUSANDS) On Hiring A Qualfied Strength And Conditioning Coach, Who Can Only Provide Sporadic, Random Fitness Sessions With Your Team.

Trawl Youtube Every Week Trying To Create Your Own Fitness Sessions - Which Risk Doing More Harm Than Good.

Eat Into Your Precious Team Training Session Time To Work On Fitness...When They Should Be Soley Dedicated To Skill Development And Coaching Your Tactics.

Worry That Your Guesswork Could Be Resulting In Your Players Doing The Wrong Things And Actually CAUSING Injuries, Leading To An Inevitable Parent Backlash.



Thanks to a unique training solution which gives clubs and coaches the opportunity to provide all of their youth footballers with each of the game-changing benefits listed above, whilst also REMOVING all of the dead-end, anxiety-inducing risks...



The Matchfit Club Youth S&C Programme enables a team or club to provide all of their youth players (aged 12-18) with a youth-footballer-specific strength and conditioning programme to follow from home, multiple times per week, around their team trainings and matches.

Each player will follow their S&C programme within our training app and be able to log and track all of their progress.

The players will be guided by a qualfied speciliast in football strength and conditioning (details below) in every exercise, ensuring they are being guided safely and effectively, as well as having direct message access to their own personal S&C coach within the app for ongoing 1-1 guidance and support.

With the Matchfit Club Youth S&C Programme, club owners and coaches can seamlessly provide every one of their youth footballers with a professionally designed strength and conditioning programme, to follow from home throughout the season, which will enhance their all-round football athleticism and injury resilience, whilst ensuring they don't risk overtraining.


✅ 1-1 voice/text access to their own personal strength & conditioning coach in the app, for ongoing 1-1 support, accountability and mentorship.

✅ A periodised strength & conditioning programme which develops every component of their football athleticism and covers the full season: strength, speed, stamina, injury resilience, mobility, flexibility, posture, pre-match routines, recovery day routines, warm ups, cool downs and more. 

In each video, James (details further down) explains and demonstrate how to perform the exercise. The entire programme is designed so that it can be completed from home in a small amount of space with a basic range of equipment

No programme customisation is included, however their personal coach will provide additional 1-1 guidance in the app where required if the player wishes to make any customisations to the schedule or sessions themselves.

✅ Can send their personal coach their exercise videos any time for feedback on technique/form.

✅ Access to a football nutrition video course in the app, showing them how to design and create their own meal plan.

Track all of their workouts, workload and nutrition in the app.

✅ We also do a monthly check-in call with the team coach.

Each of your players can have all of this, for LESS than it's costing many clubs to hire even a novice level fitness trainer to come and deliver random, untrackable group fitness sessions to their players...

Think about how much value that would add to the package and experience YOU'RE offering players at your club?

Imagine your club becoming known as a PIONEER in youth footballer health and athletic development, a club that is dedicated to producing elite level footballers.

If that's not enough, we also have club SPONSORSHIP included in some of our packages too!


⚫ You understand the benefits and want to provide S&C for your players, but you currently only have a coach who comes a few times per month to do random sessions, which you see little benefit from.

⚫ You want to provide your players with S&C and oversee their progress, but your club doesn't have the budget to hire an S&C coach full time for your youth teams.

⚫ You're trying to incorporate S&C into your team sessions yourself, but you're not really sure how to do it and would rather your team training sessions were spent focusing on the technical and tactical side.

⚫ You want the peace of mind of knowing that your players are following a professionally designed S&C programme which is appropriate for them and being fully supported every step of the way. And that at the same time as you're developing their technical and tactical game, they're also going to be getting faster, fitter, stronger and more injury resilient week on week with our help.

⚫ You want to provide your youth players with the best possible training experience/package to help them maximise their potential, and you know that the S&C side is something you could be doing better.

⚫ You want your players to be fully supported and following a programme designed by a qualfied coach with years of experience in this specific niche, with a proven track record of helping thousands of youth footballers increase their speed, strength, stamina and injury resilience.



  • ​Masters in Football Strength & Conditioning (Football Science Institute)
  • ​​​Diploma in Football Strength & Conditioning (SAQ International)
  • ​​BSc Sports Science & More
  • ​​Mentored by some of the worlds top Sports Scientists, working at clubs such as Real Madrid, Barcelona & PSG
  • Represented England Schoolboys U18's & 9 Years as a Youth Player At Wycombe Wanderers FC
  • ​​Suffered career-ending injury aged 19, was able to make a comeback to semi-pro football aged 24
  • ​​​Over 50,000 footballers have followed James' online training programmes since 2016, many of whom have been able to step up to pro and even international level


  • ​Masters in Strength & Conditioning
  • ​​​​UKSCA S&C Coach, NSCA Certified S&C Specialist & More
  • ​​Yianni has experience in providing conditioning support in pro football at Leyton Orient FC and academy football at QPR
  • Has coached thousands of footballers online over 5+ years with Matchfit Football, personally mentoring them to maximise their training and fulfill their athletic potential
If you want TECHNICAL training, then yes I totally agree with you.

But for THIS type of training, that is not the case.

In fact, as we've already touched upon above, in-person training would be a much inferior option, both financially and in terms of results.

UNLESS you're a player at a pro club who can provide all of this (more on that in a moment).

First let's break down the costs:

If you were to look for an in-person alternative that incorporates anywhere near this level of training, over 12 months you would be easily looking at an investment of between £10,000-20,000+ in coaching fees PER TEAM, depending on the level of the coach.

That's if you could even find a coach who was available multiple times per week, at the same times that your team trains, every single week.

This is why commonly only pro clubs can afford to provide consistent S&C for their players.

They have the finances to employ a full time S&C coach, and the time with the players each week to run those sessions alongside normal technical/tactical sessions.

And that continues to widen the gap for players and clubs who are trying to step up and compete at that level.

Hiring a coach which your club cannot financially sustain over a medium to long term is doomed for failure in terms of the results which will come about from that training.

The Matchfit Club Youth S&C Programme completely removes those financial and time problems.
And here's how it beats in-person coaching in relation to progress and results:

As we'll be developing different aspects of athleticism, the timing of those sessions is very important to the outcome.

👉 With the Matchfit Club Youth S&C Programme, the player can train at home so that the right session can be done at the right time for maximum results. 

To get results and make progress from S&C training, consistency is absolutely crucial and there will be things which come up week to week which will stop your players from being able to have a session with an in-person coach, this is going to significantly impact their progress.

👉 With the Matchfit Club Youth S&C Programme, your players can train fully from home, in a small space with a basic range of equipment.

This means that team sessions can remain focused on the technical/tactical side, and maximises consistency - which leads to results.

The content of a players S&C training sessions is also very important.

To see results they need to be following a periodised plan, where every completed session is working towards a pre-determined outcome.

The higher the level of knowledge which goes into that process, the greater the outcome is going to be.

Obtaining this knowledge requires years of ongoing study and dedication to the fields of sports science, strength and conditioning, and then the niche of football science.

Are you going to get all of that from a local fitness trainer or intern coming down to train your players every once in a blue moon?

👉 With the Matchfit Club Youth S&C Programme, your players get access to a level of S&C coaching which may not be available in your local area.

Through the exercise videos which will make up your players programme, every key detail of each exercise is broken down and explained just like they'd get if we were coaching them in person.

They can send their exercise videos across to us on the app any time, for feedback on their form and technique too...

...Plus, they'll gain training knowledge which they can take with them throughout the rest of their career.
If you are a coach or director at a club, click the button below to start a messenger conversation with a member of our team.

In the chat we'll answer any questions you have and provide you with a quote bespoke to the number of players which you would be looking to provide training for. 

*A minimum of 15 players is required.*

Please allow a few seconds for the chat to open after clicking the button.
Do you have any previews or examples of the exercise videos?
Yes, please see the video below which shows how the exercises are presented and explained. You will see some pitch based exercises towards the end of the video.
How Is The Training Followed?
All communication, training and coaching takes place inside our specialist training app. It's not available publicly, once you enroll your players will receive the link to download the app.
What Ages Is This Programme Suitable For?
The programme is suitable and scalable for players between the ages of 12-18, whether they are a complete beginner or have S&C training experience. 
I'm Concerned About My Players Lifting Weights
Please read this article which is addresses many common concerns (and myths) around this topic that you may have. Please rest assured that you are in safe hands, the entire programme is centred around safety and the training being appropriate for youth footballers.
Is It For Male And Female Players?
Yes the programmes is suitable for both males and females.
Is It For Players Of All Positions?
Yes the programme is suitable for players of all positions. Every player can benefit from becoming: stronger, more agile, fitter, more explosive, optimising their mobility/flexibility and faster over a range of distances.
Will They Risk Over-Training?
The risk of over-training is extremely low. Firstly because all of the training is carefully planned and progressed to unlock athletic progress at the same time as reducing injury risk and avoiding over-training, and secondly because you can simply message us at any time within the app if you ever have any concerns which can quickly be addressed and resolved.
Does The Programme Also Cover Off/Pre-Season Training?
Yes the programme covers both in and off season.
Can The Programme Be Followed From Home?
Yes the entire programme is designed to be easily followed from home with a basic range of equipment and in a small space. The players will just need access to a local pitch or field for any pitch based sessions.
What Equipment Will They Need?
Many of the exercises are bodyweight, but to be fully set up to train from home as a footballer, here is an ideal list:

• Selection of light to medium weights - can be kettlebells or dumbbells

• Selection of mini and pull up resistance bands

• Swiss ball

• Bosu or some form of stability cushion

• TRX or suspension trainer

• A bench

• Pull up bar

• Light and medium weight medicine ball

• A set of markers (if you have hurdles and agility poles too then great)

• A height adjustable step or box
How Much Time Is Required Each Week?
Apart from the pitch session, all sessions can be done from home. Here is how an in-season training week would typically look for each of your players, around your team commitments:

• Monday: Rest

• Tuesday: Lower body session (40 mins)

• Wednesday: Upper body session (40 mins)

• Thursday: Pitch session (15 mins)

• Friday: Core & injury prevention session (40 mins)

• Saturday: Pre-match routine (20 mins)

• Sunday: Recovery day routine (30 mins)
How Do The Players Communicate With The Coaches Inside The App?
The built in app messenger enables players and parents to send text, voice notes and videos to our coaches. They can message us at any time if they have a question or need help and we'll message them back asap on the same day, usually within 30 minutes during the day. They can also send us videos of their exercises if they would like feedback on their technique/form. Please note that all communication must be done by a parent or guardian aged 18+.
Where Are You Based?
Matchfit Football is based in England, UK and was founded in 2016, although James has been studying and coaching football S&C privately since 2008, and is now located in Devon, England. James and his team have coached and guided thousands of footballers during that time both online and in-person, now training players worldwide exclusively through our online training platform.
This is not just a training programme; it's a mission driven by personal experience and a deep commitment to transforming the health and fitness of youth footballers worldwide. 

James' own professional football career was cut short by injuries that could have been prevented with proper strength and conditioning training. This pivotal moment ignited a passion within him to help stop other youth footballers from suffering the same fate. 

By empowering young footballers with the tools and knowledge to stay fit and strong, we're dedicated to fostering a new generation of footballers who can achieve their full potential, realise the levels that they're truly capable of and minimise the risk of injury setbacks.

Will you r team join us?
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